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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Monday Morning 3.23.09

Love worshipping at The Crossroads. I don't know how I managed to wind up in a church with such incredible people. It still seems so foreign to absolutely love church. To count down the days till I get to go again. This is what living a life of faith should be about. I have enjoyed much of ministry in the past, but not like this. I don't have any good explanation for the difference other than the outreach mindset and the lack of expectations placed on me. There is very little pressure to be "the first lady", and I feel free to explore who it is God wants me to be without any one else's expectations confining me.

Shawn preached another sermon about finances. This is an area where I have grown slack since going to work. For years when I was at home and we had no money, we had no debt and lived on a very tight budget. Then I went to work and two things happened. 1. I don't have time to mess with the finances like I used to and it is very easy to get screwed up if you don't stay on top of things. 2. Somewhere in my mind is the thought "you went to work so you could afford to buy things you want....go deserve it." So we ended up with way too much credit card debt. Good news....since January I've eliminated nearly half of this debt....We are less than two years away from being out from under our credit cards.

I am not a worrier. In general, I work really hard, do my best, and leave the rest up to God. But when it comes to finances, I am a worrier. Today Shawn said "Worry is living like an atheist."

So this sermon makes me uncomfortable. At least in the Pillow Talk sermons I felt like I was doing a pretty good job. Seriously, I know that God needs my family to make some spending changes and some of those begin with me. God's been talking to me several months now about living like every dime I have has a kingdom purpose and figuring out the best way to use my resources. But then I get busy and let it slide to the back of my mind and keep all my spending habits in place.

Worship set was good again today.
Opener: Father, Spirit, Jesus (Casting Crowns)
Middle set: My Savior, My God (Aaron Schust)
Audience of One (Big Daddy Weave)
Nothing Without You (Bebo Norman)
Closing: I will lift my eyes (Bebo Norman)

I enjoy playing with the band. As the months roll by, we develop better abilities to predict what the other members are going to play, and it just keeps improving. We have a big gig coming up at the Glow Fest in Anna on Memorial Day weekend. I am looking forward to the excuse to have to practice extra. It's just fun.

Seven days left till we get to worship together again.

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