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Monday, August 24, 2009

The first day

This is my 7 th first day of school as a teacher; my 6th as a 1st grade teacher. Every year I am horribly nervous and beg God to keep me from puking in front of the kids. Every year He comes through for me.

It was a good first day. I have a few friends who need to change tables soon. This first part of the year makes me crazy. Training the kids on what I expect is challenging and at times monotonous. Honestly - how many times do we need to practice lining up?

I am anxious for life to settle back into a routine. Right now we have big adjustments to make with our schedules. The immediate biggie is that James has to be at football at 6:15. That means we have to leave Sherman by 5:45. This is challenging since we are currently with only one car. The other is in for repairs. We have everything worked out for tomorrow. So I guess we are good to go.

I confess that I am frustrated by all the things that are not going well. They are all minor but still frustrating - no ac at the house yet, warranty screw ups with the suburban, no ac in the pt cruiser, etc. Pray that I will have eternal perspective on all this stuff. Cause it is just stuff.

Pray that God will give our family energy this week. The first week that I go back to school is always hard on the family, but it gets easier after that. Pray that I will bring God glory every single day in my classroom and that He will use me for kingdom purposes.

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