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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Monday Morning Update 9.6.10

Today is our two year anniversary at The Crossroads. We went full time two years ago on Labor Day weekend. We celebrated with a pool party and baptism at the Collin county adventure camp. It was a neat thing tonight to sit out at a picnic with a ton of families and remember back to our meager beginnings.

When we launched, I envisioned this journey so differently. I thought growth would be fast, and that the church plant would just explode overnight. I thought in no time our house would sell, we would relocate, and all live happily ever after. I knew hard work was involved, but I never dreamed it would be this hard. I love church planting, don't get me wrong, but it's an unparalleled hard job. I have laughed longer, cried harder, hurt deeper, and loved stronger over the last two years than ever before. I love having the opportunity to work with broken and struggling people.

Over the past two years, I have at times done a great job walking alongside others, and at times, I have made huge mistakes and failed miserably. Learning to forgive my own mistakes and keep pushing forward has been one of the hardest lessons in church planting. I expected to learn a great deal about ministry in the church planting process, but I have been amazed by how much I've learned about myself. Church planting has made me deal with lots of sin and personal issues in my life. It is impossible to effectively lead without being surrendered. There have been seasons where I have been good about following under Christ's authority, and there have been seasons where I have attempted to lead in my own strength. It has been crazy to see how much God has changed me over the last two years. I have floundered often, trying to balance work, home, and ministry. I have also experienced what it is like to soar on the Eagle's wings as God uses me to do the impossible.

Our children have bloomed in church planting. They love the responsibility. They talk about how valued they feel and how needed at The Crossroads. They have grown in learning how to relate with other people and how to love during the hard times. They are beginning to understand the value of hospitality and what it takes to make others welcome in our home.

I will say that while the last two years have been incredible and best two years of my life, they have also been probably the most challenging. Keeping our marriage hot through exhaustion, stress, and busyness has been tough. We have had to get very purposeful this year about guarding our time together and working hard at staying connected. 17 years of marriage has helped us to downplay some of the issues that have arisen and to work through new challenges as we go.

Bottom Line: The last two years have been incredible. I at times feel overwhelmed by all there is to do, but I love my life. I am excited about what God has in store in the next two years and can't wait to see where we are then!

Oh - and the sermon was great, and we had new families, and worship was good and all the other stuff I normally say in the update. (sorry, got sidetracked on being excited and reflective on our two year anniversary)

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