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Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday Morning Update 7.20.09

I know I'm late, but sometimes that just the way my life is!

Yesterday was another amazing day at The Crossroads. We unloaded the truck Saturday night so that we would not have the doors open as long at the cheer gym on Sunday morning. We were hopeful that would help with the cooling issues we've been having. It was hard to tell for sure how much that helped. It was significantly cooler outside yesterday, but the gym was still around 88 degrees after services. I enjoyed not having to get all hot and sweaty on Sunday morning, just because we had already done most of the heavy moving and lifting the night before. That was great.

Shawn did a great job this week with the sermon using the Star Trek movie as a starting point for how to live out your destiny in Christ. I don't know if I will remember all the main points since I can't find my notes but here we go:
*Live without fear
*Take risks for God
*Seize Opportunities to make a difference for God

You should be able to listen online soon at We are seeing new faces every week. We are planning to buy some more chairs this week. Is that not awesome! Pray that God will provide for our meeting location as we are swiftly outgrowing our space.

Oh, one more thing. This week we wrote a $5000 check to another church plant to purchase their truck for hauling their stuff. It's one of our goals to be involved in some way in helping a new church plant get started every year. I was excited to see it happen for the first time.

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