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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It was raining again!

Here's a brief update on my week so far for those of you who have texted me asking how it's going. Work, work, and more work. My room is close to ready. Tomorrow we will spend time examining our curriculum and making lesson plans. I have honestly enjoyed hanging out with my new team of teachers. I think we are going to really work well together. I am finally starting to feel some excitement about changing jobs. It has also been fun to have corporate lunch hours this week. We have actually gone to restaurants, ordered, and completely chewed our food. How fun! (For those of you who don't know much about teachers, we typically get about 15 minutes to eat by the time we drop off our students in the cafeteria and get back to our eating spot. I usually have no idea what my food tasted like, and usually I can't even remember later what I ate.)

Now on to deeper, more insightful ponderings. Both days this week, it has rained on me on the way to work. Every time that I feel rain now, I am reminded about God's presence. (see "worship in the dark" if you are a new reader) Today it poured. The closer I got to Anna, the harder it rained. I do tend to be a bit sarcastic in my spiritual walk and mentioned to God that when I asked Him for rain, I did not really mean liquid water falling from the sky.

But seriously, as the rain poured down, my visibility became very limited. I thought about how it is when God is raining down his presence on his people. You have to really focus your vision on God and not allow yourself to become distracted by the "stuff" around you. You become less scattered and more alert to God and what He is doing around you.

Then next thing I knew, my car was sliding around so I had to slow down. Is that not also true when you are experiencing a "wow" God moment? You have to slow down and sometimes even stop in order to fully experience God and His amazing presence. If you keep moving full steam ahead, sometimes you just miss it.

By the time I finally entered the building this morning, I was dripping wet, completely soaked up to my knees from the rain blowing in under my umbrella. Then I thought about that for a while. Sometimes in my walk with Christ I only get soaked up to my knees. I withhold large portions of my life from him and miss out on tons of awesome moments with God. In this church planting stuff, I don't want to just be halfway committed. I want to be all the way in. When God is pouring out his Spirit. I want to get soaked. With His Spirit - not so much with the rain!

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